The residential tower of the Riesling wine estate Schloss Vollrads is visible from afar as it stands above the building complex and the vineyards. The Barons of Greiffenclau, old members of the nobility in Lorraine, began cultivating grapes and trading wine long ago. They lived in the tower for centuries.
Schloss Vollrads, one of the oldest wineries in Germany, is situated above Oestrich-Winkel in the Rheingau, attractively nestled in the midst of this cultivated landscape. Around it, hiking trails invite you to explore the region. A popular nature trail takes you through the Vollradser Wäldchen (Vollrads Woodlands) in the north, and following the idyllic Flötenweg (Recorder Lane) you can walk through the vineyards alongside Schloss Vollrads and around the whole estate. The name of this hiking trail derives from the Rheingauflöte, the typical wine bottle with long neck and faceting.
Today Schloss Vollrads is a modern, outward-looking winery. We gladly welcome visitors and guests who wish to take part in our life and our many events. In autumn, you can experience the hustle and bustle that marks harvest time. Presses, fermentation cellars and filling systems are located behind the doors of the farm buildings. Our wine store can be found in the Kutscherhaus (coach house), and the Gutsrestaurant (manor house restaurant) is situated in the Kavalierhaus (squire’s house) and the orangery. Alternatively, you can stop by on the courtyard patio during the summer weekends for Flammkuchen (tarte flambée) and a selection of our wines. Welcome to Riesling!
What began over 800 years ago at Schloss Vollrads with the cultivation and sale of wine, has established a tradition which continues to this day in viticulture, cultural history and hospitality. Our long history has granted us a rich heritage, but also the obligation to continue this tradition responsibly.
We are proud that today Schloss Vollrads is a modern winery, which is also one of the oldest and, at the same time, one of the most beautiful. The combination of historic roots and a contemporary, humane approach make Schloss Vollrads a special place and our Riesling an extraordinary taste experience.
To the image gallery Schloss Vollrads >
Einst behüteten die Wachssiegel Dokumente, heute bezeugen sie die über 800-jährige Geschichte von Schloss Vollrads.
Einzigartige Schätze enthält die Bibliothek. Ein Förderverein engagiert sich dafür, diese zu pflegen und Interessenten zugänglich zu machen.
Jeder Raum atmet die lange Geschichte von Schloss Vollrads. Ăśber 350 Jahre lang wurde der Turm von den Herren von Greiffenclau bewohnt.
Nicht nur ein Tintenlöscher, sondern ein stummer Zeuge von Urkunden und Unterschriften. Was er wohl zu erzählen hätte?
Was so aufgeräumt aussieht, birgt unsere köstlichsten Riesling-Schätze. Der Begriff „Kabinett“ wurde 1716 in den Kellern von Schloss Vollrads geprägt.
Was fand nur Goethe 1814 wunderlich an dem Turm?
Der Schreibtisch des Grafen Guido von Greiffenclau. Was hat er wohl hier geschrieben, gedacht, geträumt?
Because of its long history, Schloss Vollrads isn’t merely a winery. It is a cultural monument and, more importantly, it is an art-historical gem of the Rheingau, close to Wiesbaden. Preserving and maintaining such a heritage property is expensive, and streams of public funding have now slowed to a trickle.
That’s why we at the Friends’ Association consider ourselves fortunate that we have been able to accomplish much since we were founded in 2002. Through the support of our members we were able to repair the tower clock – an emblem of the long history of the Schloss. Together with the Deutsche Stiftung für Denkmalschutz (German Foundation for Monument Protection), we were able to restore the valuable golden wall covering of the leather wallpaper chamber, which dates back to the 17th century. We maintain the archive and library in order to make them available to the public bit by bit.
If you are excited about Schloss Vollrads wines, we would like to persuade you to support the maintenance of the art-historical treasures of Schloss Vollrads, too.
Deutsche Stiftung fĂĽr Denkmalschutz (German Foundation for Monument Protection) >
The committee members of the Friends’ Association of Schloss Vollrads are:
Frank Diefenbach, 1. chairperson
Bärbel Henrich-Bender, 2. chairperson
Myriam Zoi Weil, treasurer
Thomas Vogt, secretary
We would like to continue producing our Riesling in a close relationship with nature and with a good conscience in the future. That’s why we’re using clean energy: Our photovoltaic system produces around 120,000 kilowatt hours annually. Using this system, we avoid emitting more than 80 tons of CO2 every year.
We believe in the importance of acting holistically, as a healthy natural environment produces the best wines.